Whenever the Legislature takes up so-called social issues — such as abortion, marriage, or protecting children from the LGBTQ+ onslaught — detractors often ask why it doesn’t focus on issues that “really matter” to Idahoans. I would argue that these are the issues that matter most because they are existential; they concern the future of our society and Western Civilization. Defining what it means to be a man or a woman is infinitely more important for the freedom and prosperity of our posterity than whether tax rates are 5.6% or 5.3%.
This is why legislation such as House Joint Memorial 1 is important. Rep. Heather Scott carried HJM 1 to the House floor, where it could have a vote as early as Monday. The purpose of a “memorial” is for the Idaho Legislature to send a message to another governmental body. In this case, HJM 1 requests the Supreme Court to overturn Obergefell v. Hodges, the case that imposed gay marriage on America a decade ago. HJM 1 is backed by an organization called MassResistance that engages in activism against the LGBTQ+ agenda.
Idaho law already recognizes marriage as being a union of a man and a woman, but that is currently superseded by the Supreme Court. Yet clarifying this definition is important, both for the morality that once underpinned Western Civilization as well as the doctrine of federalism upon which our nation was built.
Words matter. Marriage is either a lifelong union of a man and a woman, creating a family into which children are born, raised, and cherished, or it’s simply a disposable piece of paper that carries legal connotations. The definition of male and female matters as well — are they merely expressions of identity that can be changed like a suit of clothing, or are they the fundamental binary dichotomy of humanity?
Then-Rep. Julianne Young introduced a bill last session to clarify the definitions of male and female. Despite outcry from the clown show that always shows up in House State Affairs, despite opposition from Democrats and a handful of confused Republicans, the bill passed and was signed by Gov. Brad Little. This week, President Donald Trump signed an executive order establishing definitions of male and female throughout the federal government as well.
Vigilance is necessary to maintain the civilization we inherited from our forefathers. A militant leftist revolution is attempting to redefine language and rewrite history to suit their dystopian vision of the future. So what can you do to help?

On Tuesday, I attended a presentation by a group called Idaho Family Strong. Led by former lawmakers Julianne Young and Gayann DeMordaunt, Idaho Family Strong’s mission is to bring parents and families into the political discourse. The organization’s website contains resources on pending legislation that impacts the family as well as examples of how to testify before legislative committees. You can sign up for emails or text messages notifying you in advance of when bills will be heard, giving you an opportunity to engage your lawmakers on these issues.
Another organization I want to highlight is Idaho Family Policy Center (IFPC). IFPC has recently come on board as a sponsor for the Gem State Chronicle, and I couldn’t be happier to be partnering with such a great organization. IFPC is unabashedly Christian, believing that a properly ordered society is one in which Jesus Christ is Lord. While Idaho Family Strong can help you get involved in the process, IFPC works to craft legislation that supports the family and Christian values. IFPC recently commissioned a poll regarding its 2025 legislative agenda. Check out the results here.
Where all of these organizations and priorities converge is in you. You, the citizen of Idaho, the husband or wife, the father or mother, the grandfather or grandmother. You desire not only to preserve and maintain civilization for yourself, but for your children, grandchildren, and future posterity as well. There is little that you or I can do ourselves to alter the tides of history at the global or national levels, but we can make a difference in our state. Many families have come to Idaho because they believe this is one of the last places on earth where the time-tested values of Western Civilization are still cherished and preserved. By getting politically involved, you can play a part in that preservation.
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About Brian Almon
Brian Almon is the Editor of the Gem State Chronicle. He also serves as Chairman of the District 14 Republican Party and is a trustee of the Eagle Public Library Board. He lives with his wife and five children in Eagle.