A Republic or a Direct Democracy

By Christy Zito

Benjamin Franklin famously said, “A republic, if you can keep it,” in response to Elizabeth Powell’s question on whether we have a republic or a monarchy.

This is one clear example of our founding fathers’ intent on how our government is intended to function.

However, over the generations, we have moved farther away from a republican government and are headed toward a direct democracy.

Direct democracy is mob rule, where the majority’s interests are considered more important than the individual’s rights.  Our constitution and justice system were designed to protect the individual’s rights.  This shift leaves those in the minority and the individual defenseless.

As a republic, we have elected officials chosen by the majority to represent us in law-making and governing.

In Direct Democracy, if Jane has a new car but everyone in the neighborhood wants her car, the majority takes the car from Jane, leaving her defenseless.

Direct Democracy is working hard in Idaho, as it is in Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and California.

The ballot initiative process is direct democracy.

Radical Democrats and the democrat voting Republicans, just like in states that have been turned blue, are using the initiative process to weaponize Idaho laws to make it look like California and Washington.

In 2018, an initiative petition was passed calling on the legislature to expand Medicaid.  The rhetoric at the time was that expanding government-funded and controlled health care would give Idaho’s hard-working men and women better and cheaper medical insurance and care.

Not only were the estimates of what this would cost the state wrong, but counting on the federal government to fund part of it creates more problems in this case. This comes with strings attached, stripping the citizens of their sovereignty and independence and tying us to a federal mandate.

Those who pushed for this initiative told us that Medicaid expansion would save Idaho an estimated $15 million annually.

Fact: expansion has cost Idaho more than double what was projected and is draining the state budget to unsustainable levels, taking away money from roads and schools.

Another initiative petition is currently in the works and will likely be on the November ballot called “top-four primary and ranked-choice voting”; a more accurate name is Rigged Choice Voting. 

This is the link to an excellent short video explanation of how RCV works or does not work…

With the passage of Ranked Choice Voting, Idaho will become a bright “Blue” state with a radical democrat agenda. Say goodbye to your gun rights and property rights, and watch us become a Sanctuary state for illegals.

Rigged Choice Voting (RCV) is such a bad idea that Alaska is trying to repeal it. RCV causes voter confusion, lower voter turnout, and increased ballot spoilage, causing “your vote not counted and thrown out.”

I am proud to stand firm on being pro-life; I know that life begins at conception and that we are all created in God’s image.

I don’t just say these words; I bring action to them. During my time in the state house, I voted for and sponsored legislation to protect the unborn and make abortion illegal in Idaho.

Direct Democracy in Idaho is now working to overturn the will of the people’s representatives in the abortion area. 

Those who are determined to take over our republic are planning to put abortion on the ballot in 2026 and plan to get the support from left-of-center “Republicans” to do so.  The left will do anything to end the lives of our unborn children on demand.

We are witnessing the Gem State Heist, just like the one that made Colorado go from Conservative to Radically Liberal.

Our guns will be next; Colorado just passed an “Assault Weapons” ban last week, which bans 80 to 90% of semi-auto firearms.

WE WILL BE NEXT.  We must stop this madness now.

We must say NO to these radical initiatives that are not a function of a Republic.

Idahoans must elect strong Conservatives, men and women, who will have the guts to reject these radical initiatives when they reach the statehouse.

We need strong representation in our state government who can resist pressure and be independent.

Over the years, many of us, including the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance (ISAA), have been sounding the alarm about the initiative process and its threat to our constitutionally guaranteed rights. 

We will win this fight and shoot these freedom-threatening initiatives down, but it starts with YOU.

Know who you are voting for on May 21.  Know what is at stake in Idaho.

I will stand strong for you and Idaho.

I will fight for you.

God Bless,

Christy Zito, Candidate LD8

Christy Zito served two terms in the House and one in the Senate. She is currently running for State Senate in District 8.

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About Christy Zito

Christy Zito is a proud Idahoan, daughter, mother of five, grandmother of eleven, gun owner, and more. She returned to the Idaho State Senate in 2024 and represents District 8.

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