ACRCC Financial Review Reveals Concerning Errors and Omissions by Former Officers, Committee Takes Steps to Move Forward

By the Ada County Republican Central Committee

BOISE, ID – The Ada County Republican Central Committee (ACRCC) met Thursday evening for its regular monthly meeting and heard a summary of the lengthy final report prepared by the Financial Review Committee that has been operating since six members of the executive committee resigned in October, 2023.

The report contains 46 findings, many of which were due to a lack of internal controls and a failure to abide by the ACRCC’s bylaws and fiscal policies and procedures. Among these findings were missing documents and assets, improperly paid taxes, QuickBooks entry errors, untimely deposits, and a failure to seek competing bids for expenses in excess of $1,000.

The report also contained 27 recommendations including strengthening the ACRCC’s fiscal policies and procedures and working with the FEC, Idaho Secretary of State, and Idaho Sales Tax Commission to correct errors and omissions.

In response to these findings, three relevant motions were adopted by the ACRCC, including one directing the committee treasurer “to file an inquiry with the Federal Elections Commission to request help in correcting the record of the reports and amendments filed by [former] Treasurer David Litster between June 2023 and October 2023.”

Another motion called for creating a subcommittee to investigate unorthodox donor refunds and determine who solicited certain donors to request these refunds.

The third motion called for the formation of an investigative committee “to look into the matter of the FCC ruling relative to the Red Wave Radio show hosted by former State Republican Party Chairman Tom Luna and former Ada County Republican Central Committee Chairman Victor Miller to ensure that the Ada County Republican Central Committee has no exposure from this decision and to recommend potential courses of legal action if they determine that the Ada County Republican Central Committee is exposed.”

At its December meeting, the ACRCC adopted a resolution calling for the committee to “rectify any wrongs against the committee or its donors,” maintain “rigorous financial controls in all future transactions,” and provide “expanded ethics training” “emphasizing the paramount importance of honesty and forthrightness” to committee officers and interested members.

“I appreciate the diligent work of the Financial Review Committee and the thoroughness of their report,” said ACRCC Chairman Thad Butterworth. “I also appreciate the body for presenting and adopting motions designed to help us resolve ongoing issues and move forward with our mission of prompting conservative values and supporting Republican candidates.”

The ACRCC’s next regular meeting will be held on March 7, 2024, following its participation in the Idaho Republican Presidential Caucus on March 2, 2024.

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