RELEASE: Why the Lincoln County and Blaine County Republican Central Committees Censured Legislative District 26B Representative Jack Nelsen

The Lincoln County and Blaine County Republican Central Committees have unanimously passed resolutions to censure Legislative District 26B Representative Jack Nelsen for repeatedly voting against the core principles of the national and Idaho Republican Party Platforms. This decision was not made lightly, but rather in response to a consistent pattern of votes that defy the values and priorities of the Republican Party. Together our committees represent two of the three counties and 64% of the precincts in Legislative District 26.

Representative Nelsen’s refusal to sign the Idaho Republican Party’s “Integrity in Affiliation” form during last year’s election raised initial concerns about his commitment to Republican principles. However, his voting record so far during the 2025 Idaho Legislative Session has provided clear and undeniable evidence of his misalignment with the party. He voted against multiple key Republican-supported bills, including school choice (HB 93), mandatory minimum fines for marijuana possession (HB 7), prohibiting mask mandates (HB 32), protecting healthcare providers’ rights of conscience (HB 59), limiting the display of non-government flags on public property (HB 96), shielding minors from indecent exhibitions (HB 230), strengthening parental rights in education (HB 239), and restricting classroom discussions on gender identity and sexual orientation (HB 352).

These are not trivial disagreements. Each of these bills reflect fundamental Republican values—supporting parental rights, individual liberty, limited government, and protecting children from ideological indoctrination. With his votes, Representative Nelsen is ignoring the priorities of Republican voters who entrusted him with their representation.

Political parties exist to promote a shared set of ideals, and those who seek office under the Republican banner are expected to uphold the party’s foundational principles. When an elected official consistently votes against those principles, it becomes necessary to hold them accountable. Censuring Representative Nelsen is about preserving the integrity of the Republican Party and ensuring that those who claim to represent it do so in both name and action.

Carl Legg, Chair, Lincoln County Republican Central Committee
Heather Lauer, Chair, Blaine County Republican Central Committee

Read the full resolution here: Resolution for Censure of Idaho Legislative District 26B Representative Jack Nelsen

Our Contact Information
Blaine County Republican Central Committee
P.O. Box 1599
Hailey, ID 83333
(208) 721-5518‬

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