PRESS RELEASE from Idaho Fair Elections

Idaho Elections are Not for Sale
Idaho Voters soundly reject Prop 1 despite record-breaking spending

Eagle Idaho – Idaho voters soundly rejected Prop 1 and the deceptive campaign behind it.

On Election Day, 2024, Gem State voters demonstrated why Idaho is a bastion of freedom and sanity. Despite Idahoans for Open Primaries spending more than $5.5 million to deliberately mislead Idaho voters regarding the true purpose of Prop 1, Idaho voters rejected Prop 1, 65% to 35% as of 10:00 PM on Election Day.

The unprecedented effort to pass Prop 1 included more than $4.4 million from out-of-state political organizations.  These organizations include Article IV (Arlington, VA), Unite America PAC (Denver, CO), Way Back PAC (Sheridan, WY) and many other non-Idaho political activists.

These political organizations spent millions of dollars to learn what any Idaho voter would have told them for free: Idaho elections are not for sale. No amount of expensive and polished advertising could deceive Idahoans into thinking that Prop 1 is good for our state.

Idaho Fair Elections PAC and other Idaho-based political organizations were out-spent by a wide margin. However, our collective grassroots efforts prevailed for one simple reason: We told Idaho voters the truth about Prop 1 and its backers.

“Tonight, we have a simple message for Idahoans for Open Primaries, their non-Idaho allies, and Reclaim Idaho: Idahoans do not want California-style jungle primaries and ranked choice voting. Your non-Idaho friends cannot “air drop” millions of dollars on our state and expect to buy public policy. Idahoans for Open Primaries and their fellow travelers would do well to leave Idaho alone in the future.” said Jake Ball, Chairman and Treasurer of Idaho Fair Elections PAC.

Mr. Ball continued: “I am thankful to the volunteers and donors who engaged with our PAC. I’m proud that 100% of our financial contributions came from Idaho. With the limited resources we had, we were able to show that Prop 1 is bad policy for Republicans, Democrats and Independent voters. We told the truth about Prop 1. That mattered the most in the end.”

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