November 8, 2024
[Boise, Idaho] – We, a group of conservative legislators dedicated to serving Idahoans, strongly oppose the 22% salary increase approved by the Citizens’ Committee on Legislative Compensation. Instead of increasing lawmakers’ salaries, we urge the legislature to immediately repeal the grocery tax—a timely and meaningful way to help Idahoans struggling with the rising cost of living.
With Idahoans facing increasing expenses for essentials such as food, housing, and energy, the Legislature must exercise fiscal responsibility by prioritizing the needs of Idaho residents over expanding government and increasing legislator pay. In the past five years, Idaho’s budget has grown by 55%, while most Idahoans are working hard just to keep up with rising inflation and have not seen comparable income increases. It sends the wrong message to use taxpayer funds for lawmaker salary increases during this time of financial strain.
On day one of the 2025 legislative session, we will introduce a concurrent resolution to reject this proposed salary increase and call on our fellow legislators to join us in standing against it. Idahoans expect to see their elected officials prioritize policies that directly support hardworking families—not raises for themselves. By uniting in support of this resolution, we send a clear message that our commitment is to the people we represent, not legislator pay.
The full text of the resolution is as follows:
Concurrent Resolution to Reject Legislator Salary Increase
Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:
WHEREAS, the Legislature is vested with the authority to reject or reduce rates of compensation and expenses established for service as members of the Legislature by the Citizens’ Committee on Legislative Compensation pursuant to the provisions of Article III, Section 23 of the Constitution of the State of Idaho; and
WHEREAS, with Idahoans facing increasing costs for essential goods and services such as food, housing, and energy, the Legislature must exercise fiscal responsibility by prioritizing the needs of Idaho residents over increasing government growth and higher legislator compensation;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the members of the First Regular Session of the Sixty-Eighth Idaho Legislature, with the House of Representatives and the Senate concurring therein, that the rates of compensation for legislative services rendered members of the Legislature, as set by the Citizens’ Committee on Legislative Compensation on November 6, 2024, to take effect for the two-year period beginning December 1, 2024, are hereby rejected. Instead, the compensation for members of the legislature shall remain at the rate in effect during the Sixty-Seventh Idaho Legislature, with a base salary of $20,411 per year for each member from December 1, 2024, through November 30, 2025. For the following year, from December 1, 2025, through November 30, 2026, each member shall receive a base salary of $20,921; this adjustment reflects a 2.5% increase to the base salary per year; the rate of compensation and expenses in effect during the Sixty-Eighth Idaho Legislature shall remain in full force until the passage of this resolution; any amounts previously paid under these rates are considered lawful and shall not require recovery from or repayment by members of the Legislature.
We call on our fellow legislators to support this resolution and show their commitment to responsible financial stewardship that serves all Idahoans.
Lucas Cayler
Representative-Elect, District 11
Clint Hostetler
Representative-Elect, District 24
Josh Kohl
Senator-Elect, District 25
David Leavitt
Representative-Elect, District 25
Kent Marmon
Representative-Elect, District 11
Faye Thompson
Representative-Elect, District 8
Christy Zito
Senator-Elect, District 8
Glenneda Zuiderveld
Senator, District 24

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