Idaho GOP Convention to Celebrate Republican Values

By Dorothy Moon

Next week, delegates from across the Gem State will gather at the Coeur d’Alene Resort for the 2024 Idaho GOP State Convention. This biennial event unites representatives of the Republican grassroots to conduct party business and celebrate the values that bind us together.

Delegates and guests will have the chance to meet like-minded individuals from every corner of our great state and equip themselves with tools to become better voters, activists, and candidates. Attendees will return home energized and ready to fight for faith, family, and freedom in their communities.

I am excited to announce that the Idaho GOP has reduced the Convention registration fee to a flat $25 for delegates, alternates, and guests. When I ran for chair in 2022, I promised to make this happen—the cost of this event should not burden the delegates chosen to represent their county and legislative district committees.

Two years ago in Twin Falls, delegates were charged an astounding $150 per person which did not even guarantee meals and the food quickly ran out. With Bidenflation raising prices across the board, I wanted to ensure that everyone could afford to participate in this important event.

Starting Thursday morning, delegates will participate in committees to evaluate potential rules, resolutions, and platform changes, which will be considered by all delegates on Friday and Saturday. Non-committee delegates and guests are welcome to observe the committee proceedings as space permits.

We will also present several valuable workshops to better equip our volunteers. On Thursday, you can learn about the dangers of ranked choice voting, how to get started as a grassroots activist, and everything you ever wanted to know about Idaho’s strategic metals. On Friday, there will be sessions on campaign finance reporting, the role of precinct committeeman, and parliamentary procedures.

No matter your role within the party, you will gain valuable information.

On Friday night, the Kootenai County GOP will host the Idaho Republican Gala, featuring electrifying speaker Kari Lake of Arizona. As a leading national voice in the MAGA movement, she continues to push back against Joe Biden’s radical agenda and is committed to protecting our American way of life.

I am so proud of the work our staff and volunteers have done to make the 2024 State Convention happen. After organizing the Presidential Caucus and dozens of Lincoln Days throughout the state, the hardworking men and women of the Idaho GOP have dedicated themselves to preparing for this event. I know it is going to be great. I am looking forward to seeing so many passionate and dedicated Republicans in Coeur d’Alene next week!

Dorothy Moon was elected to serve as the chairwoman of the Idaho Republican Party in July of 2022. Moon served three terms in the Idaho Legislature as State Representative for District 8. Moon’s career in public service has focused on the advancement of individual liberties and reducing the size and scope of government.

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