April 1, 2024

ILuvIdaho, an organization dedicated to preserving the conservative values that made Idaho great, announces its voter guide for the 2024 Republican primary election.
ILuvIdaho was born out of necessity. Conservative voters, whether true Republicans or right-leaning independents, needed a voter guide they could trust. There are many ideological Democrats running as Republicans in Idaho — we call these imposters “RINOs” or “Republicans in name only”.
The ILuvIdaho voter guide was created for conservative voters to represent constitutional liberty candidates (No RINOs and no Democrats).
Candidates on the ILuvIdaho Voter Guide were selected based on their voting records, references from various sources, and our evaluation of who will more likely vote according to a conservative platform. ILuvIdaho candidates should stand for our state and federal Constitutions and should also support the Idaho Republican Party platform. Absolutely no woke liberals allowed!
The Primary Election is May 21, 2024. Voters can request an absentee ballot any time before May 10, and early in person voting is May 6-May 17. Make sure to vote! Conservative candidates lose when conservative voters don’t turn out, so make sure you do that. Vote for ILuvIdaho candidates to Keep Idaho Red!
You can also help ILuvIdaho candidates by volunteering to knock on doors, donating to their campaigns, hosting meet & greets in your community, and reminding your friends, neighbors, and family to go vote. Drive them to the polls if necessary! Keeping Idaho conservative requires action from all of us!