Today I began recording interviews with Republican candidates for state legislature. I put out a general call on Twitter and I have been reaching out to candidates themselves through whatever contact info I can find. If you are a candidate and have not heard from me, you will soon.  Feel free to reach out to me as well and I’ll get you on the schedule.

My goal for project this is to have conversations. There are sitting legislators and candidates I have criticized in the past, but I hope that doesn’t stop them from being willing to discuss the issues with me. I do not intend for these interviews to be confrontational or combative. I will likely ask tough questions about issues, votes, and statements, but most of all I want to get to know the people who could potential represent us in the Legislature.

So this is a call to you, the candidates for House and Senate. Whether we agree on a lot, or a little, I want to know what makes these people tick. I want to know where you come from, what’s your worldview, your moral foundation, what tools do you use when deciding how to vote on the issues.

I have my opinions on the issues, and you have yours. But there’s no reason we can’t sit down and talk. I believe in free speech and giving people a platform to share their visions. I trust my supporters to listen and make informed decisions.

I am currently scheduling interviews with candidates in contested races, since those are the most pressing before the May 21 primary election. I hope to talk to uncontested candidates afterward as we look toward the general election.

In the interest of fairness, if multiple candidates in a race agree to talk with me, I’ll publish the interviews simultaneously. If I don’t hear back from one candidate or another after a few days I’ll go ahead and publish what I have.

I’ll be posting these over the next month at the Gem State Chronicle on the Primary Pulse. Make sure you’re subscribed at Substack too so you don’t miss a thing.

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