Chuck Winder
Senate 20

Hometown: Meridian

Occupation: Businessman, real estate

Statement: “To be a member of the Legislature means you have to provide the means for citizens to raise their families, secure a good job and to protect them from the overreach of the government, at all levels. Our Republican form of government requires governance with the lightest touch of government, but there is still a need for public services. A well run state or local government require good people that want to meet the needs of its citizens not tear it down.”

IACI / Idaho Prosperity Fund
Idaho Farm Bureau
Idaho Fraternal Order of Police
National Rifle Association
Professional Fire Fighters of Idaho

Opponents: Josh Keyser

Time in office: 8 terms

State Affairs
Senate President Pro Tempore

Affiliation: Main Street Caucus

Freedom Index: 33.8% (Lifetime 47.9%)
IACI Score: 83 (Lifetime 92)
Platform Rating: 52.5%

Legislative Website
Official Website
Think Liberty

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