Karey Hanks
House 31B

Hometown: St. Anthony

Occupation: Bus driver, former legislator

Statement: “We don’t need leaders who have spent 50 years in office, shut away from the day-to-day realities of average citizens. Endurance should never be confused with experience. My platform is based on one of the oldest tricks in the book: common sense. It reflects an understanding shared by Idahoans at every station of life, that the things that serve us best are the things we are able to do for ourselves.”

Citizens Alliance of Idaho
Idaho Freedom PAC
Think Liberty Idaho PAC
Stand for Health Freedom
Stop Idaho RINOs

Opponent: Rod Furniss

Time in office: 2 terms (2016-18, 2020-22)

Freedom Index: 98.4% (2022) (Lifetime 97.8%)

Legislative Website
Official Website

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