The 2025 legislative session is rapidly winding up, with some lawmakers hoping to be done by this Friday, while others believe another week is needed to finish the backlog of budget bills. One the Legislature adjourns sine die, then any bills still in the process will drop dead, and must be reintroduced next January.

While committee chairs must exercise discretion in which bills they put on each day’s agenda, in some cases they face pressure from committee members, other legislators, lobbyists, or special interests to ensure certain bills never see the light of day. Here are a few important bills that are stuck in committee and deserve full hearings, with prewritten email links for your convenience:

House Bill 98: No tax dollars for teacher’s unions (Email)

H98 passed the House 40-29-1 but has yet to receive a hearing in Senate State Affairs. The Idaho Education Association is obviously against this bill which would prevent taxpayers from subsidizing union activity through things like paid time off to do union activities and automatic payroll deduction of union dues. Contact Chairman Jim Guthrie and ask him to give this bill a full hearing.

House Bill 230: Protect children from indecent exposure (Email)

H230 would create a civil cause of action when children are deliberately exposed to indecent sexual exhibitions. It passed the House 54-11-5, but remains in Chairman Guthrie’s drawer. Contact him and ask that H230 be given a full hearing.

House Bill 252: E-Verify (Email)

Federal law says that illegal aliens are not allowed to work in our country. However, many businesses ignore this law because it gives them a constant source of cheap labor, and enforcement is basically nil. The lobbyist for the Idaho Dairymen’s Association said that up to 70% of their employees could potentially be illegal. H252 would require employers to use the existing federal E-Verify system to ensure they are only hiring citizens or those with valid work permits. Contact Chairman Brent Crane of House State Affairs and ask him to give this bill a full hearing.

House Bill 376: Concealed carry on public property (Email)

H376 closes a loophole in Idaho law that allows government entities such as cities and counties to lease public property, such as parks, to private groups to host events. These private groups can then deny your 2nd amendment right to self defense on that public property. Contact Chairman Guthrie and ask him to give this bill a full hearing in Senate State Affairs.

Senate Bill 1149: Foreign ownership of Idaho land (Email)

Idaho law already makes it illegal for entities from belligerent foreign nations such as China to own certain property in Idaho. S1149 closes a loophole by allowing such land that is currently owned to be taken and sold. It passed the Senate overwhelmingly and awaits a hearing in House State Affairs, so contact Chairman Crane if you would like it to have a full hearing.

Senate Bill 1166: Zoning restrictions for homeless shelters (Email)

S1166 would prohibit homeless shelters from being built within 300 feet of residential neighborhoods in cities of over 100,000 people. That would apply to Boise, Meridian, and Nampa. There is a homeless shelter in Boise that is currently trying to build near a residential neighborhood. If you would like this to become law, contact Chairman Doug Ricks of the Senate Local Government & Taxation Committee.

House Joint Memorial 1: Overturn Obergefell (Email)

“Memorials” are statements from the Legislature to other governmental entities. HJM1 calls upon the US Supreme Court to reconsider Obergefell v. Hodges, the 2015 ruling that imposed gay marriage on the nation. Prior to Obergefell, nearly every state referendum on the subject supported maintaining the traditional definition of marriage, even in deep blue California. HJM1 passed the House but has been languishing in Senate State Affairs ever since. Contact Chairman Jim Guthrie and ask him to give this a fair hearing.

Senate Bill 1023: Medical freedom

S1023 has passed the Legislature and awaits Gov. Brad Little’s signature, so while you’re contacting committee chairs, take the time to email his office or leave a voicemail at 208-334-2100 asking him to sign this important piece of legislation. We must never again allow government to run roughshod over our constitutional rights the way it did in 2020-21.

I’m sure there are other important bills waiting to be heard, but these were the eight I found most pressing. With the session ending in mere days, it’s now or never for these bills to advance. Your lawmakers hear from lobbyists and special interests every day, so they need to hear from you as well. A personal message is best, if you have the time, but if not, click the prewritten message links after each heading to quickly contact each committee.

This is your government and your representatives, so make your voice heard!

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About Brian Almon

Brian Almon is the Editor of the Gem State Chronicle. He also serves as Chairman of the District 14 Republican Party and is a trustee of the Eagle Public Library Board. He lives with his wife and five children in Eagle.

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