On this date more than two thousand years ago, Julius Caesar was assassinated in Rome. His murderers believed that Caesar had accumulated more power than a single man should have, and believed that killing the man would return Rome to the days of the Republic.
They were wrong. Caesar’s assassination sparked a series of civil wars that ended with the establishment of his nephew Octavian as Augustus, an emperor. Though the functions of the Republic would continue for centuries, for all practical purposes it was dead.
For the past decade, old guard Republicans have held to the belief that if we just get rid of Donald Trump, then things will return to the pre-2015 normality. Yet there has never been a “normality”. Politics is never static; society is always growing, changing, and evolving. What will the post-2025 United States be? Nobody knows, but you can play a part in shaping the future here in Idaho. The purpose of this platform is to give you the tools to make a difference.
As you know, the Gem State Chronicle is reader supported:
- Paid subscribers via Substack get bonus notes with some articles, giving me an opportunity to share behind-the-scenes thoughts with supporters, as well as early access to podcasts and significant discounts in the merch store.
- Do you have a small business you want to advertise? I’ll put your ad on the top of the Chronicle homepage, on the article sidebar, and will shout it out on any podcasts I release during the sponsorship. I’ll also write an article on behalf of sponsors, whether about a particular issue or just sharing their story. Send me a message and we’ll get it done. Take the time to visit this month’s sponsor: Lynn Bradescu’s Keller Williams Realty has been a regular sponsor for a long time. I appreciate the support!
This week at the Chronicle…
It’s been a busy couple of weeks, especially with the Legislature hitting the home stretch. I am still trying to publish informative articles most every day.
On Tuesday, I looked at how a vote on a bill related to blood donations demonstrates the sometimes arduous process of legislating.
On Wednesday, I explored the stranglehold that public sector unions such as teachers and firefighters have on our government.
On Thursday, I shared what I saw as a House committee debated a bill to protect conservatives from debanking.
Finally, on Friday I examined a bill to allow digital driver’s licenses in Idaho.
I also published several guest editorials such as these from Julianne Young, a Lewiston teacher who believes the union has too much power, and Idaho GOP chairwoman Dorothy Moon.
In other news…
Make sure to catch Idaho Signal every weekday at 11:30am MDT for the latest on the legislative session. Check out this segment in which Matt Edwards spoke with Sen. Josh Keyser of Meridian:
Michael Malice sat down with Quest Nutrition co-founder Tom Bilyeu for what turned out to be a fascinating discussion:
Finally, AI is an emerging technology that could change the world as much as, if not more so, the internet itself. Here’s a long video from an AI engineer that not only explains how large language models work, but gives practical advice about how to use them to make your work easier:
Upcoming events…
Click here to find a Republican Lincoln Day near you!
Thank you all for your support as I continue to bring you news and analysis that empowers you to make positive change in Idaho. Make sure to subscribe, follow me on Twitter, and follow the Chronicle on Facebook, Telegram, YouTube, and Rumble. Have a great weekend!

About Brian Almon
Brian Almon is the Editor of the Gem State Chronicle. He also serves as Chairman of the District 14 Republican Party and is a trustee of the Eagle Public Library Board. He lives with his wife and five children in Eagle.