Holding Leftists Accountable

Last fall, as election season heated up, leftist agitators began vandalizing and stealing signs placed by Idaho Republicans. The Idaho Republican Party condemned these actions and offered a reward for the arrest and conviction of any perpetrators.

Today, one of those perpetrators was brought to justice. Nancy Jean Moore, an elderly woman from Boise, was caught last October on camera stealing a “No on Prop 1” sign produced by the Idaho GOP:

Today, Moore pled guilty to petit theft and was given a sentence of 5 days in jail, converted to 40 hours of community service, with judgment withheld. As I understand it, that means the conviction will not be put on her record unless she commits another crime in the future.

One might say that stealing a sign is a very minor crime in the grand scheme of things, and that is true. But a society that lets minor crimes go unpunished will soon be beset by major crimes. We cannot allow people to get away with breaking the law, especially when it comes to stealing or destroying private property, as well as interfering in our freedom of speech and expression.

It seems to me that many leftists believe the law doesn’t apply to them. Social media is full of progressives who celebrate lawbreaking, from rioting, vandalism, arson, and even assault during the Summer of Floyd to the assassination of a healthcare CEO just a few months ago. Here in Idaho, leftists pull fire alarms to disrupt meetings, shout at speakers during town hall events, and even burn down businesses owned by conservatives.

Today’s result is a lesson that yes, the law applies to everyone. Stealing and defacing signs might seem petty, but ignoring petty crimes is like spraying acid on the foundation of our civilization.

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About Brian Almon

Brian Almon is the Editor of the Gem State Chronicle. He also serves as Chairman of the District 14 Republican Party and is a trustee of the Eagle Public Library Board. He lives with his wife and five children in Eagle.

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