What in the world is happening to Boise, Idaho?

By Codi Galloway

Is the American Dream still Possible?

Simple Solutions by Codi Galloway

In 2002 Boise was a different city

There was a time when Boise was family-focused, fiscally responsible, and affordable city to live in. What happened?

How and when did Boise become one of the most expensive cities in America to live in? Since when did the mayor and the city council choose to lead the city with equity and to make Boise an illegal migrant “welcoming” city?

Back in 2022 Boise was led by moderate republicans and moderate democrats like Dirk Kempthorne and Dave Bieter.  And it worked. Back then, Boise had low taxes, low cost of living, low homelessness, and low crime—the Gem of Idaho and an ideal place to call home and for businesses to start.

Remember when starter homes cost $135,000?

Here I am in 2002 with my husband and first son, Palmer.  After graduating from college, my husband and I were eager to return home to Boise.  Because we grew up here, we couldn’t imagine living our American Dream anywhere else. Our first starter home cost $135,000. We could afford our lives on a single income. I had the opportunity to raise our kids, volunteer in the schools, serve in my church, and help my husband with the family business. 

Today living in Boise is a struggle for families. Why?

Boise is now one of the most expensive places in America to live. Homelessness is a problem affecting our businesses and neighborhoods.  The high cost of housing, taxes, and inflation strangle families. On top of it all, most of the Boise City Council seems to want to transform Boise into New Portland.

What happened?

1. Growth

For starters we experienced a lot of growth. Laws of supply and demand resulted in upward prices for housing. Growth of course is not a bad thing; however if if a State is unprepared for growth this can be very challenging for local governments and existing residents.

2. Near total elimination of a political party

Another major change was the elimination of the Republican party from city government, school boards, and Idaho State legislature. As you can see from this political map of the city the only part of Boise with Republicans remaining is this teensy corner of Boise (District 15) where we have one house of rep and one member of city council.

3. Extremists have taken over the city

With the elimination of one party, there was now a vacuum that was filled by leftist candidates who have taken the city too far to the left. Gone are the days of the moderate democrats who believe in land conservation and the 2nd amendment. The Idaho Democrats of today have a platform based on equity, social justice, abortion, homelessness in the streets, and welcoming illegal immigrants. See the Idaho Democrat Party Platform https://idahodems.org/where-we-stand/#platform

Boise is on it way to becoming
New Portland

The new extremist agenda and roadmap for Boise to become New Portland is outlined in the mayor’s transition guide written by the Boise City Council. The new focus for Boise is:

  • Equity and Inclusion Training
  • End “white supremacist” culture at Boise City
  • Free Abortion
  • Sanctuary/ welcoming city
  • Demilitarize the police
  • Sex ed for Pre school
  • Citywide curriculum on colonization and slavery

So what do we do about Extremist Politics in Boise?

Here are some common-sense solutions to the problems we are having. 

✓ Limited Government ✓ Responsible Leadership ✓ Idaho Values

1. The Case for Limited Goverment

For the most part we are all happier and more productive when the government stays out of our lives. In fact, the system of limited government and capitalism is what has created the greatest economy the world has ever known.

Low Taxes and Minimal Red Tape.

I believe in low taxes and minimal red tape. Housing in Boise is bad enough with inflation and supply issues. Unfortunately, the Democrats in Boise have made the issue much worse by trying to transition Boise into New Portland through excessive regulations, building code requirements, and housing people for free.

The Government should never shut down businesses or try to determine who is essential

With the support of the entire extremist Democrat apparatus in Idaho, Mayor McLean worked to shut down Boise businesses during the Covid era. In her now infamous Public Health Emergency Order No 20-13, Mayor McLean ordered me and other business owners in Boise to shut down our businesses.  These extreme big government policies shuttered churches, put an end to family gatherings and caused our children to suffer through online school. My opponent thinks the government knows best and should tell you what to do (and he will too—check out his Facebook page during Covid!) I disagree. Individuals and businesses should be able to make their own decisions without the heavy hand of government deciding for you.

Solution #1: Elect Leaders who believe in limited government

2. Responsible Leadership

As Horton the Elephant (sorry, once a school teacher always a school teacher) said

“I said what I said and I meant what I meant. An Elephant is faithful 100 percent.”

Our leadership should be transparent on how they believe and how they will act. Mayor McLean ran originally as a moderate. Then within months of her being elected, she came out with her Transition Guide for a More Equitable Boise.

Bait and switch in District 15.

In district 15 the incumbent Democrat Senator, my opponent Rick Just, is running his campaign as a reasonable centrist. However, in real life he votes for things like your taxpayer dollars being used for children’s transgender surgeries(H071), supporting fentanyl drug dealers rather than the police (H406), allowing illegal immigrants to vote (HJR005), mandating DEI hiring practices in our Universities (S1274), and voting against lowering property taxes (H0292). It’s virtually impossible to distinguish him from his far-left colleagues in the other districts in Boise. Which is fine for him of course. I’m happy he has found his voice as a leftist Democrat. But he should be transparent on what he stands for because he’s not a moderate, he’s an activist.  Right now you are represented by a radical activist in the Idaho Senate rather than a moderate centrist.

I myself am an unapologetic right of center “Ronald Regan” Republican. I will vote whenever possible for limited government, low taxes, and protecting children and families. I served two years in the Idaho House and my voting record speaks for itself.

Solution #2. Elect leaders who say what they will do and do what they say.

3. Idaho Values

We need leaders who stand up and protect our cherished institutions like the family, churches, schools, and our police and military.

The Family.  The family is the most important institution that exists. Everything we do at the Capitol should support Idaho families.

Supporting Safe Communities.  Safe communities are a priority for families and economies to thrive. My grandpa was the sheriff of Boise. I grew up with a love and respect for the institutions that keep us safe. I’m afraid the City of Boise has lost their way. Instead of focusing on building a safe community, our leadership has chosen to focus on demilitarizing the police, encouraging the homeless to camp in our streets, and making Boise a sanctuary welcoming city to non citizens. Boise is no longer the family-friendly city it used to be.

Solution #3. Elect leaders who believe in Idaho values and supporting the cherished institutions that support, protect, and make our communities great.

Save Boise from Extremist Politics!

Some things are worth fighting for…

My name is Codi Galloway, I’m a common-sense Republican candidate for Idaho State Senate. I’m a mom, former public-school teacher, and business owner. I’m running because I don’t want to live in New Portland; I want to live in Boise, and I want to live here with my family. Some things are worth fighting for! 

We can’t stand idly by as radical ideologues take over the city, school boards, and the Idaho State Legislature. 

Calling District 15 Idahoans to Action: it’s time to fight back. Here is the plan:

Step 1: Vote Nov 5th

And get other like-minded friends and family to vote. In a recent LD15 election only 6 votes separated the winner and loser. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!

Warning: Don’t be fooled

You are likely going to receive political mailings telling you how I am a terrible human being who doesn’t like schools, children, veterans, puppies, etc. Don’t be fooled; these mailings will be from far-left PACs (political action committees), and they have an agenda and vision for a New and Equitable Boise. Before you believe the sensational headlines, call me and ask questions. Reach out anytime at 208 614-CODI (208-614-2634). I am always happy to visit and share the rest of the story. 

Step 2: Support my Common Sense Campaign

I need all the help I can get. Here are a two things you can do.

  1. Request a yard sign by sending a text to 208 614-CODI. 
  2. Donate at codi4idaho.com

You matter; get involved! Voting, volunteering, signs, and donations make your voice heard and feel far better than shaking your fist at what you see on T.V.  If we all do something, we can keep Idaho free and make it a great place for our families. Let’s Win and save Boise.


PS: Contact me with any questions at codi@codi4idaho.com or 208.614-CODI

Originally published at codi4idaho.com.

Codi Galloway is a wife, mother, former schoolteacher, former member of the Idaho House of Representatives, and candidate for Idaho Senate in district 15.

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