Letters to the Editor: 10/9/24

I just reviewed the actual language of Prop 1 after I downloaded it from the Secretary of State website.

There are more than a few contradictions in it, more than a handful of reasons to trigger lawsuits about it, and approximately 30 typographical errors, many of which confused the meaning of the sentence in which they appear.

If there were no typos, and I interpreted it generously in favor of the interests of the people that put it forward, I would say the outcome will result in bland candidates who maintain Idaho as a welfare state of the federal government, because they stand for nothing and will thus fall for anything.

The best thing to do in such a system would be to pose as a mom and apple pie moderate to get elected, and then get in the office and change your stripes to what you really believe, because there is no benefit to actually debating the issues, or coming up with arguments about things you support, because the entire political atmosphere will be watered down to a point where differing opinions reach a vanishing point.

Under such a system, there is no benefit to actually discussing the issues. Under such a system, the already beleaguered average voter will have major incentives to do less homework, because the voting system and the way candidates are handled will be too confusing. Better to engage in bumper sticker politics, where misinformation and the mob can really have its sway. The other viable option is to just throw up one’s hands and quit voting altogether. One’s time may be better spent reloading for the coming rebellions.

Better not to have a principled opinion in such a political environment, but to ebb and flow with wherever the mob wants to go. If passed, it will be destructive of the Republic of Idaho.

Sorry to be so upbeat, but this thing is a genuine disaster, regardless of your political stance.

Art Macomber

Dear Editor,

It is election season and Progressives are once again filling the paper with letters supporting left leaning candidates. They never mention party affiliation, but wax eloquent about their candidate being open, honest, considerate and fair. No mention of policies they intend to push for. The reason for this obfuscation is that Progressives are modern day Marxists. And Marxism has two main guidelines. One is to never let the opposition know your intentions. The other is to blame the opposition for all the evils your efforts are causing. Personal slander, defamation, denial and lies are their tools.

You must never admit that you want to prevent babies from being born, you want foreign criminals flooding our country and cities, you want to take money from the producers and give it to the non-producers, you want to destroy America’s Christian Culture, you want children to be exposed to pornography and all manner of sexual perversion, you want rapists, kidnappers and murders to escape prosecution, you want innocent people who oppose your efforts to suffer loss of family, property, freedom and even life. Deny this agenda and blame the Conservatives, who are trying to conserve our way of life, for the damage you are helping to inflict on society.

Progressives are non-partisan. If they can’t get a Democrat elected, a Republican in Name Only (RINO), like Brad Little, Scott Bedke, Jim Guthrie and Lori McCann, who push the same agenda, will do.

Yuri Bezmenov, a former KGB officer and Soviet defector, explained in 1984 the four stages of Marxist takeover. Stage 1, Demoralization, 35 years exposing children to Marxist ideology, was successfully completed. Stage 2, Destabilization (2 to 5 years). Stage 3, Crisis. Take over Economy, Foreign Relations & Defense systems- already accomplished. Stage 4, “Normalization”. As when the Soviet tanks rolled into Czechoslovakia in 1968. He said that “when the job is completed, the leftists (Progressives) are no longer needed. They will be lined up against the wall and shot… The time bomb is ticking. The disaster is coming closer and closer. Unlike myself, you will have no place to defect to.

Jay Maxner

The Gem State Chronicle publishes letters to the editor weekly on Wednesdays. Submit your own letter to editor@gemstatechronicle.com. The editors reserve the right to publish or decline on a case by case basis, but generally anything that avoids vulgarity or obvious slander will be accepted. Keep it concise!

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