Proposition 1 Mythology
Ted Olson
From a Military Combat Veteran
I am a US Army Vietnam veteran, quite highly decorated. During my tour as a combat helicopter pilot in the 101st Airborne, I was shot down over hostile territory three times—saying only that I am most certainly not a Weekend Walzer. I am embarrassed by the endorsement of a small group of Idaho veterans, including a former governor, who are supporting Proposition 1 this November—otherwise known as Open Primaries and Ranked Choice Voting.
The foremost message of Veterans for Idaho Voters ( seems to be that independent voters—especially many military veterans—are somehow excluded from the voting process, also described as being “disenfranchised.”
I’m sorry, but that is simply not true.
Independent or unaffiliated voters are free to associate with any party and participate in Idaho primaries. And just like all registered voters, independent or unaffiliated voters are free to vote for whomever they wish in the November general elections. To suggest otherwise is simply untrue, and it is a blatant effort to deceive Idaho voters.
Proposition 1 attempts to turn red states blue, as in Alaska where residents are already rushing to overturn RCV after only one election using that system.
So who are the big Prop 1 backers in red states like Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, and elsewhere? Hint: They are not local money.
“Veterans for Idaho Voters” claims to represent military vets, but they most certainly do not represent me, nor any of my cadre of fellow combat veterans.
Please be an informed voter. Do your homework and vote NO ON PROPOSITION 1 in November.
For more information:
Sagle /Sandpoint
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