This week, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris chose Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate. This decision offers a stark contrast between the country we love and what the Democrats have planned. Minnesota under Governor Walz is a vision of the dystopian future a Harris/Walz administration would impose on America.
Under Walz, Minnesota put tampons in boys’ bathrooms and he signed one of the world’s most extreme abortion laws, allowing doctors to kill an unborn child up to the moment of birth. The state also claims the authority to take children from their parents to forcibly transition them to the opposite gender.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Walz not only locked down his state but also set up a snitch line for people to report on their neighbors. Whether you had friends over, walked your dog without a mask, or did not enforce mask mandates in your business, Walz wanted you reported to the government. That sounds more like China to me than the America I remember. He also said that Americans do not have a right to free speech if the government decides that it is “misinformation.”
Despite governing a northern state, Walz has facilitated the invasion at our southern border by supporting bills that provide illegal immigrants with driver’s licenses, free healthcare, and free tuition. He even said that if President Trump finished the border wall, he would invest in a ladder factory.
This is just a glimpse of what a Harris/Walz administration would bring to America. Perhaps this is why Minnesota is near the top of the list for people moving out while Idaho is one of the top destinations people are still moving to. Americans are voting with their feet by fleeing the destruction caused by Tim Walz’s far-left policies.
In Idaho, we do things differently. Instead of taking children from their parents in the name of transgender ideology, we protect them. Instead of killing the unborn, we cherish them. In Idaho, boys use the boys’ bathroom.
The contrast between Minnesota and Idaho could not be starker, just as there is a clear difference between the vice presidential nominees. Tim Walz left the Minnesota National Guard to avoid deployment to Iraq and then apparently lied to his voters about it. J.D. Vance, on the other hand, enlisted in the Marine Corps after 9/11 and served his country honorably.
J.D. Vance embodies the traditional American values that made our country great—values still honored in Idaho. On the other hand, Tim Walz represents socialism, totalitarianism, and a radical gender ideology that is destroying a generation of young people.
This November, the choice is clear. Idaho represents what America once was, and what it can be again, when we send Donald Trump and J.D. Vance to the White House.
Dorothy Moon was elected to serve as the chairwoman of the Idaho Republican Party in July of 2022, and reelected in 2024. Moon served three terms in the Idaho Legislature as State Representative for District 8. Moon’s career in public service has focused on the advancement of individual liberties and reducing the size and scope of government.

About Dorothy Moon
Dorothy Moon was elected to serve as the chairwoman of the Idaho Republican Party in July of 2022, and reelected in 2024. Moon served three terms in the Idaho Legislature as State Representative for District 8. Moon’s career in public service has focused on the advancement of individual liberties and reducing the size and scope of government.