The Political Winds of Change

By Heather Scott

The political winds of change were blowing hard from Coeur d’Alene south down to Boise this past weekend as the last remnants of the old moderate Republican establishment and good old boy network were pushed out at the 2024 Republican GOP Summer meeting. It was a fitting finish for these party polluters who relished being obstructionists and antagonists rather than combining forces to ensure Republican principles dominate the local, statewide and national November elections.

Now it’s time for the Liberty Movement members within the Republican party to shine and lead Idaho into the next decade.

So Much winning!

This final dismantling started back in March with our Republican presidential caucus and a Trump victory. (Go Trump!) That victory led to huge wins by conservative liberty candidates in legislative races across the state in the May 21st primary election. Now, the GOP grassroots has struck again, electing the liberty slate of GOP leadership to represent Idaho for the next 2 years. This elected slate of individuals is further validation that the grass roots conservatives are now in control of Idaho. The Republican establishment crew resembled rabid Democrats this past weekend, attacking any idea or any one who works and fights for the little guy. These sellouts attempted to demonize liberty movement members but failed miserably, and GOP delegates were not buying the trash talk they were selling and we’re in the driver’s seat now!

As the victories continue to mount, I believe the attacks will never stop. Those using government to benefit themselves at the cost of taxpayers have a lot to lose. Their industrial empires and agendas will continue to be exposed in the coming two years, and I expect those who expose it will continue to be met with resistance. But we remain committed to defend liberty and freedoms for Idahoans.

The Idaho Freedom Caucus, a group of liberty minded legislators along with our many allies are hopeful for the positive changes coming. Over the next few weeks and leading up to the November elections, we will be finalizing our legislative agenda and building support for our liberty candidates.

Strong efforts and conservative coordination will be required but one thing is for sure, we believe we will now have the support and resources to carry critical legislation to the finish line. This includes real school choice, real tax reduction and real family protection among others. We are excited to be surrounded by so many people who care so much about the freedoms of individuals in this state. With our policy partners, conservative allies, the grassroots GOP and YOU, the educated public, we believe Idaho will take the lead in this country to return control to We the People.

In Liberty,
Rep. Heather Scott, District 2A
Co-Chair Idaho Freedom Caucus

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