By Idaho Freedom Caucus

America is being invaded.

Since Joe Biden took office, millions of illegal migrants have crossed our southern border. This invasion is bringing crime and gang violence to Idaho and has created a pathway for deadly drugs like fentanyl to our streets. Rather than fulfilling its constitutional duty to protect states from invasion, the federal government is facilitating one.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott is doing something about it. He has made it clear the state of Texas has the right, both under its constitution and the US Constitution, to take action to protect its border with Mexico. Abbott declared an invasion, arguing that Texas can and will defend itself against illegal immigration, and this is more important than any federal laws that might conflict.

The Idaho Freedom Caucus is paying close attention. Earlier this week, during a committee hearing on a bill to deal with the fentanyl crisis, Rep. Jacyn Gallagher, District 9, shared an ominous warning: “We need to be careful of any legislation that… invites more people to come across the border [illegally].”

State sovereignty is the bedrock of our nation, not a thing of the past. States are not subservient to an all-powerful federal government. They have the authority to resist a corrupt and uncontrollable federal bureaucracy that attacks its own citizens.

We respectfully urge Governor Little and the Legislature to take action to support Governor Abbott and the good people of Texas. Govenor Abbott is doing what is necessary to protect America from this unprecedented foreign invasion.

In the face of this ongoing crisis, we must stand united in defense of our nation’s borders. Governor Abbott’s actions in Texas serve as a strong example of asserting state sovereignty to protect citizens. The Idaho Freedom Caucus will remain vigilant and support those taking action to secure our borders and preserve our safety and sovereignty.

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The Idaho Freedom Caucus is a dedicated group of state legislators committed to safeguarding the freedoms and liberty of Idahoans.

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