WEDNESDAY ROUNDUP: One Minute Closer to Midnight

Did you hear the news? After taking power in what opponents called a rigged election and arresting anyone who protested, Vladimir Putin has used his control of the court system to not only indict the leader of the opposition but entirely remove him from the ballot for the upcoming election.

Wait, that wasn’t Putin, that was Joe Biden. Carry on then.

It’s time to recognize the late hour of the American Republic. A radical revolutionary movement has taken control of the federal bureaucracy, news media, and our courts, and are using their power and influence to fundamentally transform our country. Appealing to the rule of law will not stop this, neither will convening a Convention of States and adding a few more amendments to the Constitution they already routinely ignore. We must keep working here in Idaho to raise up leaders who will protect our rights against an increasingly hostile federal government.

Next year is going to be one for the history books. Donald Trump’s polls show leads that he never had in 2016 or 2020, so it raises the question of what the Biden regime will do to keep him out of office. A state court removing him from the primary ballot is only the beginning. Buckle your seatbelts because it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

In other news, a group called the Institute for Legislative Analysis has published a report on the Idaho Legislature and Governor Brad Little. Former members of the team that put together legislative scorecards for the American Conservative Union analyzed 56 votes in the Legislature as well as which bills were signed or vetoed by the governor to come up with a scorecard showing the ideological persuasion of our state government.

By evaluating legislation based on the principles of limited government, the ILA reassigned legislators based on their votes rather than their self-proclaimed party identification. According to their analysis, ideological Democrats control the Senate 21-14, while ideological Republicans control the House 38-32. This perspective does a much better job of explaining the results we see than simply assuming Idaho is a deep red state.

Click here to read the whole thing and download the full report.

Several of my friends made the trek to Phoenix last weekend for TP USA’s AmFest and by all accounts it was a really fun time. Tim Pool hosted a roundtable discussion that included Tucker Carlson, Charlie Kirk, and James O’Keefe during the event that is worth watching in full:

The gentlemen at the Lotus Eaters Podcast had a lot of good content this past week, but the one most applicable to our fight in Idaho was a discussion about so-called “banned books”:

Finally, I can’t be the only person around here who enjoys chess, so here is a video of two chess streamers playing on a chessboard with wobbly pieces, just for fun:

I hope you’re having a great week. The weather might be cold and icy, but the political situation is only going to heat up from here. Stay safe, and as always, thank you for your support!

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